Last minute deals and offers for vacations in Sorrento on the Amalfi Coast
PAY NOW offer and save 10%
Free cancellation up to 7 days before the date of arrival
Try our extra services!
🥄Discover the authentic flavors of Neapolitan cuisine🍅
Get an exclusive package that includes 3 nights in half board and a cooking class!
Valid from 01/04/2025 to 15/04/2025
Unconventional Sorrento is the union of past and present: a modern and vibrant hotel on the Sorrento Peninsula that was once a convent in Sant'Agnello.
Your experience starts here: with our offers, you can choose a truly unconventional stay, a vacation in Sorrento and the surrounding area with something unique.
We post our last minute deals and packages for your trip to the Amalfi Coast for all curious travelers who want to experience all the nuances of the area: from food to traditions, from the beach to history.
Choose our offers for your vacation in Sorrento!
We post our last minute deals and packages for your trip to the Amalfi Coast for all curious travelers who want to experience all the nuances of the area: from food to traditions, from the beach to history.
Choose our offers for your vacation in Sorrento!